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Hey, it's me i430VX! There's a chance you've heard of me somewhere on this "internet" thing. I focus mostly on older hardware. I enjoy finding and fixing up computers and components and making use of them. I also have some other interests, such as weather (particularly, storms and winter weather), space, sustainability, and renewable energy.

For computers and other electronics: I tend to like Compaq computer stuff the most but have interest in just about anything. My main range of interest is from the 486 era up to the Core 2 era, but pretty much any computer is good fun. I also have an interest in older television (and somewhat, radio) equipment. I particularly enjoy TV/VCR and TV/VCR/DVD combination units. I also have significant interest in serveral topics in the field of telecommunications, such as network switching, network power (UPSes), servers, and telephones

i430VX, what is it? Why is it you?

No reason. At least, no good reason. The Intel 430VX chipset, AKA Triton II, is a Pentium / Pentium MMX class chipset which was considered a budget offering. It was widely received as boring and not terribly good against other options, due to memory caching limitations among other things. Personally I find it to be an interesting early-transitional board between two different eras in a sense.I have two computers with the i430VX chipset. The first one, and the "inspiration" for my screen name, is a Packard Bell Multimedia R515. The other is a Techmedia system. Believe it or not, this isn't my favourite chipset.

What's with the...dragon thing?

They are a Drakel, or Kruath'ri, from the online RPG game called "AdventureQuest." Drakel are human-dragon hybrid creatures. My character most closely resembles a Drakel Enforcer. I have played adventure quest for, uhhh... *checks notes*... apparently most of my life.

Human dragon? Are you a scalie/furry? Yuck!


Is this AdventureQuest game the single largest reason for this?

What do YOU think?

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